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Improved Filters for the Modern Investigator

We are excited to announce a number of new features that are purpose built for the modern investigator as we continue to make Sigma the most powerful solution for investigations.

These features include upfront filters and an embedded dirt string generator to enable users to effortlessly tailor and fine-tune searches for results and alerts specific to each investigation. Users can now pinpoint a specific subset of countries and set a date parameter for adverse media. For investigations teams, this means fewer false positives and faster-than-ever, unparalleled accuracy.

Filter by Country

When initiating a search, add one or more countries to search criteria to limit your match returns based on geography.  By default, if a match doesn’t have any country information available, the match will be included.

Filter by Date

When initiating a search, add year ranges to your search criteria to filter Adverse Media & Enforcement Action indicators based on date. Additional indicator categories to be added in future.

Dynamic Google Dirt String Links

Search results now include links to run a customizable Google dirt string based on your search terms directly in the Sigma Terminal. The links enable iterative dirt string searching based on new entity name variations discovered during Sigma Search. 

Stay tuned as we continue to release new features that enhance investigations workflows.  


Pete Arnold

Head of Product 

Sigma Ratings, Inc.  


Product Updates Technology & Innovation Filtering
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